Stretchy yoga for flexibility
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Welcome to this stretchy yoga class! In addition to passive stretching, this class includes also active asanas (yin & yang).
During the class we will focus on stretching our body and lengthening our muscles. Stretching can have many benefits, such as increased blood flow to your muscles, increased range of motion, and injury prevention.
If you have blocks or a strap, you can use them during the class, but they are not mandatory.
Looking forward to seeing you on the mat!
TIP: Place the screen on the top-left corner of your yoga mat. Best listening experience with headphones on.
NOTE: This yoga class includes many downward-facing dogs and its variations, and it can be heavy on the wrists. We will warm up our wrists in the beginning, but if you have wrist injuries, I do not recommend this yoga class.
Important Notice: Consult your doctor before joining online yoga classes. Prior to enrolling in online yoga classes, I urge you to consult your medical practitioner. Yoga can offer great benefits, but individual health conditions vary. Your safety is paramount, so please consult a doctor before participating.
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