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Stretchy yoga for flexibility

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  • Pranayama and spinal wave yoga

    Welcome to this pranayama and spinal wave yoga class.

    In the beginning we will do a short Sama Vritti breathing exercise, after which we will focus on moving our spine, and creating this wave like movement, representing all the fluids in our body. In a healthy body the fluids move easily, and w...

  • Coffee break yoga for hips and shoulders

    Welcome to this 15 minute coffee break yoga session focusing on hips and shoulders!

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  • Yoga Nidra (45min)

    Welcome to this Yoga Nidra session! Yoga Nidra is a form of guided meditation also known as “yogic sleep”. It’s a state of consciousness between waking and sleeping, promoting deep relaxation.

    To make yourself comfortable, If you want to, you can grab a pillow, or a blanket to stay warm. We wil...